How is it achieved?
The inclusion of the social dimension in the design or re-design of supply chains (SC) is a complex task, especially when we talk about globalized chains. Therefore, the project is developed on four lines of work. The first aimed at laying the foundations and identifying those issues that could disrupt SC (Covid and other diseases, social changes…). The second, with the proposal of a series of SC models to improve their resilience and sustainability. Third, innovative tools will be developed to monitor and evaluate the social impact of SC. Finally, policy scenarios will be developed proposing recommendations for future SC.
What was our contribution?
Deusto participates in tasks related to the identification and analysis of issues that can disrupt SC and the proposal of SC models to improve resilience and sustainability. The core of our participation is in the development of a model that allows calculating the value generated and distributed to society by a SC. Likewise, we will develop a tool that companies can use to self-assess their position regarding the social impact generated. Finally, a series of recommendations will be raised to implement actions that stimulate companies toward competitive sustainability. The social impact will consider, specifically, aspects related to gender, employment, and social welfare.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101061729