TANGENT consortium meeting in Castelldefels
During two days, the project’s activities and outcomes achieved during the first year of the project were presented and discussed. In addition, the work ahead was planned. The meeting was also a space to discuss in-depth the TANGENT functionalities in each case study, including their scope, goals, integration aspects and the upcoming testing activities. Various topics were presented: – Various activities related to the TANGENT Forum and the Advisory Board are in progress. – The data catalogues and data API for Rennes, Manchester, Athens are ready. – Surveys for mobility/ transport users and the Google timeline trajectories have been launched and feedback gathered. Development of the Travel Choice Module has been done. – There are initial results for supply/ demand forecasting. The anomalous event detection module is in progress. – There are initial results of Synchronization of PT and traffic control. – The second release of the overall system architecture is ready, and the consortium is working on the user experience& interface dashboard. – A first release of the Smart Infrastructure Classification Index is ready.